What is a thermistor? What are the applications and characteristics of thermistors?
A thermostat or thermistor is a semiconductor whose impedance varies significantly with temperature. The impedance of ordinary materials...
A thermostat or thermistor is a semiconductor whose impedance varies significantly with temperature. The impedance of ordinary materials will increase slightly with the increase of temperature.
Thermostat is a kind of thermal element which takes manganese, cobalt, nickel and other metal oxides as main materials and forms fine ceramic semiconductor after sintering.
The temperature range of thermistor is - 50 ~ + 500 ℃, covering all temperature ranges required for daily temperature control. As thermistor sensors and temperature compensation elements, they are widely used in household appliances and industrial equipment.

Four constants determine the characteristics of thermistors
The thermostat has four basic constants: R resistance value, B material constant, dissipation coefficient and thermal time constant. In addition, the temperature coefficient of the resistance is sometimes used as an auxiliary constant